Tom Baumann
An economist and engineer by training, Tom started working in the environmental sector in 1992 and has worked with government, nonprofit, and the private sector. Tom has worked on projects in over 20 countries.
Tom has a passion for innovation and since 2007 Tom has co-founded several start ups and multi-stakeholder organizations including:
Professional Services
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
E-Learning Global Professional Society
Online Standards 2.0 Platform
Digital Commodities Platform
Adaptation Ledger
Digital Adaptation Finance Platform
Climate Chain Coalition
Blockchain Open Global Initiative
Tom is a leading authority on standards for climate and sustainability, and was International Chairman of ISO’s climate change standards committee (2014-2019) - with members from 80 countries and leading organizations including the UNFCCC. Tom is focused on governance innovation and implementation of nextgen standards systems to help operationalize digital solutions for climate and sustainability. Tom launched the Collaborase online platform for "Standards 2.0" in 2010, which has been used by leading programs including WBCSD, Gold Standard, CDP, CDSB, Verra, AccountAbility, GreenSeal, ICROA, Natural Capital Coalition, and several government GHG programs. Tom has been active in blockchain (distributed ledger technology) since 2015 and the Lead on climate and sustainability at the Blockchain Research Institute. Tom is also co-chair of the Climate Chain Coalition - an open global initiative to advance collaboration on blockchain/DLT to enhance climate actions.